New IAU-named asteroids

(Updated: 2024-09-24)

A comprehensive list of the current IAU-named asteroids (24,919).

The WG Small Bodies Nomenclature (WGSBN) is responsible for the naming, and every few weeks or so, a bulletin is issued with the several new namings.  The JPL Small-Body Database Browser (SBDB) follows usually a couple days later and updates their records, of which then is reflected in the JPL Horizons System.  There may be delays in this process, but usually it’s within a few days.

The latest namings in the WGSBN Bulletins Vol. 4, #12 and Vol. 4, #13 issued Sep. 2 and Sep. 23 have been implemented at JPL Horizons.  You can access the objects at JPL and MPC with the name, the SPK-ID, MPC No., or click on the links. As each new bulletin is issued, I’ll provide these two PDFs for those astrologers who anticipate the new namings.

IAU-named asteroids (Alphabetical sort), 454 pp.
IAU-named asteroids (MPC # sort), 454 pp.