Ron Scott is a professional, scientific research astrologer with 48 years of experience but with a late-teen-evolving interest in traditional metaphysics, alternative religion, spirituality and the paranormal.

In the mid-1970s Ron experienced a life-changing Event that forever altered his view of reality.  This was just prior to beginning his astrological study, and there was an insatiable need to find the compelling but scientific explanation of this Experience.  It was within traditional Christianity that he was born and raised.  But, after a couple years in a rather strict and biased Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC, the planet Uranus (“the Father of Light”) began to prepare him for the Ultimate Death-Rebirth of 1976.  He discovered soon enough that it was indeed Uranus Rx conjunct his Meridian 1st House cusp Who decided to reveal another Reality.  The previous Saturnian-based view in a flash went straight out the proverbial “Door of perception” - one of the doors that he had read about from Aldous Huxley.

Back then, if anyone wanted an astrological chart, it had to be hand-calculated.  Ron’s preference was a scientific calculator in one hand and the USNO Astronomical Almanac in the other with the Explanatory Supplement close by. It was at this point of learning how to convert the local wall-clock time to local apparent sidereal time and UT1 (formerly GMT but synonymous with it) and corresponding with time experts like Dennis McCarthy, P. K. Seidlemann and B. Guinot that he realized that one of these formulas (the one which enables planetary calculations) had a serious PROBLEM – it was misconstructed, believe it not, and this was apparently a problem that arose in late-1883 when time was conceptualized as homogeneous within a time zone.  Before that and for all of our long human history, time was viewed and experienced by the common (and uncommon) man as longitude-dependent (aka local mean solar time or “LMT”).  It was several men, though, within the railroad industry and ultimately in the U.S. Congress who decided to enact a “law” implementing this concept for the sake of less chaos that was emerging within a faster-paced world of travel.

It never made any sense to Ron that a single math formula should also be constructed to adapt to this rather Neptunian notion that time could be somehow homogeneous across longitudes.  If time was thereafter the same throughout a time zone, as everyone was told, I began to worry that someday it might become “the same everywhere on Earth,” as this Wikipedia contributor later imagined in his article on “Universal Time.”  Ron knew this was disinformation not only in 1883 and in the mid-1970s, but sure enough, most if not all astrologers and a good many astronomers still believe this insidious lie.  The truth of the matter, if they will accept it, is that UT1 (GMT) is the same ONLY at 0° longitude as anyone may discover from listening carefully to the time experts here (first sentence of the second paragraph).  Bottom line: It is either “synonymous” or it’s NOT!

So, Ron has calculated charts implementing a revolutionary conversion formula from fictitious clock time to UT1 (GMT) for decades.  He has shared it freely and will continue to do so in this newsletter.  He will show how to construct an astrological chart using correct formulas, because without them, many of the subsequent calculations will only generate noise, and, consequently, some of the interpretive analyses will be off-kilter, diverging from that geocentric orientation to the Cosmos that he believes is hardwired within each of us.

Ron will explore many charts to be displayed here using proper construction, with a focus on the new and already known planetary discoveries, celebrity charts, as well as current events, not to mention will delve into other innovative astrological techniques.  All 734 object calculations are from the available 1.4 million discovered (to date) within our Solar System. Some are MPC-unnumbered in our very small list but still quite significant, and they are retrieved in real time from the gold-standard JPL Horizons API (DE441), not from an outdated standalone DE431, the basis of most software-generated charts today.

Let’s buckle up and explore together “The Future of Geocentric Astrology!”

Email: Ron Scott

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The Future of Geocentric Astrology is about one's orientation to the Cosmos and how we determine what that is, how to interpret it, etc., of which starts with a proper calculation of a natal chart.


Scientific Research Astrologer